Useful Writing Prompts for Your Next Creation – Joy Themed

Useful Writing Prompts for Your Next Creation – Joy Themed

  1. What does it mean to “consider it all joy”?
  2. How can the answer of the first question become a main theme of your story?
  3. Is your main character someone figuring out the answer to the first question or helping someone else learn?
  4. Is it one person that is affected by this verse or a group of people in your writing?
  5. What would a poem on this verse look like and feel like to you? Maybe try putting that in your writing as an experience of a character or just actually write it as a poem.
  1. Is your creation a retelling of Jesus’s birth or a creation placed in the Christmas season?
  2. What would this look like as a painting? Either write out your explanation or paint a picture of it.
  3. What would a poem on this verse look like and feel like to you?
  4. If this is not a retelling: Why did this verse stand out to you as a good prompt? Have your character go through a similar experience with the verse or anything else.
  1. What does it mean to “not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength”?
  2. How can the answer of the first question become a main theme of your story?
  3. Is your story set in a contemporary setting, historical setting, sci-fi, setting or even a fantasy setting?
  4. What would a poem on this verse look like and feel like to you? Maybe try putting that in your writing as an experience of a character or just actually write it as a poem.
  1. In the last verse of this passage, Jesus said ” These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” How can you show someone’s receiving God’s joy and receiving it in its fullest?
  2. Is there one main character or many?
  3. How does this passage effect your side characters? Are they the one’s helping the main character or vice versa?
  4. Why did you choose this prompt? Whatever your answer is, have someone in your writing make a decision for the same reason that goes along with your theme.
  5. Is your story set in a contemporary setting, historical setting, sci-fi, setting or even a fantasy setting?